Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writer Wednesday Where I Say Boob Too Much

So, I am a lady. (derp) And ladies have their favorite bras. We love the way this particular one feels, makes us look all sexy, is comfy, etc.

I have a favorite. And an older back up of the same kind. The one was being washed so I just threw on the backup old one for the day. All day my boobs felt...weird. Not internally, but something just felt off.

I'm just laying around catching up on blogs, snacking, watching t.v. on another snow day stuck inside. And I just don't feel right. I can't get comfortable because of the strange feeling with my boobs. Re-situate the bra. Nothing. Re-situate myself. Nothing.

So, I debate asking the hubs "do my boobs look okay? Normal?" and decide against it. He, being the sweet liar that he is, will tell me what he thinks I want to hear. That my boobs look great, blah blah blah. Not. Helpful. I don't ask.

As I get ready for bed, I take off my shirt. (boys, calm down...) And see it! They aren't the same! They don't look symmetrical. The one is all "HI!", the other is all "meh, hey". Turns out the washing machine or something ate the wire out of one side. Took the pep out my one step, so to speak.

This whole story about my boobs and bra has a point. When you have something in your manuscript that doesn't feel right -- you know something is wrong and you can't figure it out on your own just by going off feelings  -- who do you ask for help? Are they the kind of people that will tell you your boob is off? Or will they tell say you rock, it's perfect and let you walk around lopsided?

A gut feeling is nothing to ignore when it comes to your work. When you feel like you suck, you're probably wrong. When you feel a scene doesn't work right for some reason, you're probably right.

I want to thank my three favorite bras, Abby, Jennie, and Melissa for being the right amount of lift, support, and helping me to force my boobs(MS, just in case you are now confused) into the right shape. Thanks, you wonderful gals! Those 3 have pointed out some real boob mistakes this week!

In other news, how in this WORLD did someone come across my blog by searching : "club penguin with sexy boys and wieners on them" ?!

I might be taking a few days off a week from reading blogs to work all day on my MS revisions. I have a long way to go, and a rapidly approaching deadline.

Hopefully you will all understand that I need to take my own advice (finally) and put writing first for now. So please don't be offended if you don't see me poking around Tuesdays and Thursdays. And if you do, please tell me to get back to work.

Don't forget to sign up for my very first blogfest I'm cohosting with the lovely Alexia Chamberlynn!! Button on your top left! 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Hey, Colene,

    Interesting..... very interesting. A most unusually analogy, but it does

    Keep at the revisions.... We all have our busy times, and we all understand.

    Good luck.


  2. LOL on the picture.

    Great post. That's the beautiful thing about critters. The good ones are worth their weight in awesome bras. (not that I've found any awesome bras. Only awesome crit partners). :)

  3. When I need that kind of help - with bras or books - I ask my daughter. And sometimes she tells me without my having to ask... "What's up with your bra, Mom?" It took me seventeen years to build the perfect critter and soon she's off to college. :gasp: Who's going to tell me my boobs aren't even now?

  4. I promise to always tell you if your boob looks a little off. I'd even go so far as to say I'd help you tweak it, but that just takes the analogy into uncomfortable territory.

  5. I could not have predicted where this post would end based on the beginning. Love it! My bra is Stephanie, crit partner extraordinnaire.

  6. Why don't you post a pic so that we can judge if they look good or not (I'm sure they do) ... sorry, I was rude again; I'm gonna tell myself to stop commenting like this >:D

    Cold As Heaven

  7. LOLOLOLOL!!! OMG!!! Gotta love your bras and when someone has the guts to tell you when your boob is off!!! Oh my...

  8. This comparison is so very apt. I love people who won't let you walk around lopsided or with spinach in your teeth! Yay for good crit partners and friends!

  9. I did that once with a swimsuit. Finding people who will tell you the truth is a key. Good luck on your revisions.

  10. Hahaha, hilarious that you didn't notice the wire was off on one side ;p

    And I'm glad we can be there to lift those boobs to perfection for you :P LOVE the analogy. SO true.

  11. That is too hysterical. And seriously, I don't know how you related bra troubles to writing, but bravo! ;)

  12. Too funny! Love your boob/bra analogy. Even though my crit partners didn't tell me I had lipstick on my teeth the last time we met, they didn't hold back criticism of my work;)!

    Best of luck working on your manuscript! BTW, you have an award waiting at my blog!

  13. Ha, great analogy. My CPs are awesome. I now they wouldn't let me go lopsided.

    Good luck on the MS. :)

  14. Boobs and writing...awesome! :) This is such a fun analogy!! Perfect. And no worries - work out those revisions with a vengeance!! Happy editing ~ D

  15. I have to ask my fiancé now if she names her bras.

    Great pictures. I haven't seen that one yet. :)

  16. This may be the first time ever that I have been compared to a bra! ;-) That is a hilarious analogy! Love it. And you know we'll tell you if your boobs don't look right. Melissa will be sure to tell you if she doesn't like the bra color, style or size too. ;-)

  17. OK, #1--LOL at that cat! :D and #2--LOL again at "Meh, hey." boob. BAH!!! *snort* Great, hilarious analogy. And taking time off to work is a good thing~ :o)

  18. Lol I loved this post.

    I just went bra buying and so far, the fit works, but the comfort factor remains to be seen...

    In English: Just started with Crit Partners. So far, we are getting along,but it will be a while before we are comfortable with each other.


  19. There IS something to a great bra--thanks for the writing tip, listen to yourself!

    ps: I know the club penguin creators--live in the same town!

  20. I like how Jennie's comment says that I'll be the one to tell you if the size, style and color are wrong too. Man, don't I just feel like the pickiest person ever! (I mean, it's true but gosh!)

    And no worries Hun, you know I'll always tell you if you're bra is making your boobs lopsided. Also, I hope you know that I think your boobs themselves are pretty fricking awesome - okay, that's creepy. But you know I'm talking about your MS right?!

    I love our group :) Monday nights have seriously been the only *free time* in my life the last three weeks and they are wonderful!

  21. Very funny Colene! It's hard to find the right bra. I'm still on the hunt as I know going braless in public might cause peopole to stare.

  22. Here, here for proper support. Awesome analogy.

  23. Writing subject is serious, the bra sorry is hilarious.
    Just curious but how do your friends feel being referred to as bras? Mine would see nothing wrong.

  24. Good luck with your exams.
    I didn't know boobs are so interesting, well...
    Nahno ∗ McLein

  25. You are too funny! :)

    And man, you get some weird search keys. Lately, I've been getting people googling my actual name and then visiting. Makes me wonder who?

  26. My favorite bra is a Victoria's Secret bra...I think it's called Miraculous. It makes my boobs look bigger!

    Not sure what that says about my manuscript...

  27. I love your twist on "support." writing friends, like bras, are carefully selected, have different functions, and help you look your best.

  28. Hahahahaha.... OMG, Colene, this cracks me up so much. I think us women obsess about our boobs just as much as guys obsess about their junk. Of course, you had a very valid reason today. That happened to one of my bras once; washing machines are evil. And great tie in to writing!

  29. haha this was hilarious. uncomfortable bras are just not the go! but they're usually an indication of something wrong, so I completely understand the analogy!


  30. You are hysterical! Best. Post. Ever. You had me at "boobs".

    In terms of boobs (the real kind, not the manuscript kind), I shall offer some advice I heard from a nice lady named Oprah: "Buy a five dollar bra, get five dollar boobs." I think the same principle applies to our manuscripts: we get back what we put in. You're so right -- we should always trust our instincts. If something feels off, it usually is.

  31. I will add this question to my editing checklist: Do my boobs feel off? Funny stuff... :)

  32. I just laughed my a** off at this post! It's so true too :)

  33. I love this analogy! (Oh, and I don't think guys are as picky about boobs as we are. Asking your husband if your boobs look okay would be like asking someone who was illiterate to look over your MS. They’ll be impressed no matter what!)

    Don't feel bad about taking time off - writing has to come first. I love keeping up with everyone, but sometimes you just don’t have the time.

  34. Haha! Angela, it is a good question! ;)

  35. Too funny! And great advice. I had that moment where I thought you'd really named your bras. Cracked me up!

    Best of luck with your revisions!

  36. So what you're saying, is if we just feel ourselves up properly, then we'll find all the things that aren't quite right? *shifty* Seriously though--this is part of why I believe in stepping back from the manuscript for a while --then what is wrong is easier to spot.

  37. Thanks for the comment today but...Get Back To Work!

  38. Demitria, Bahaha! BUSTED! Thanks so much you wonderful woman!

  39. Haha! Great visual on writing. Everything comes down to boobs in the end. (=
    One of my manuscripts is in the hands of a competent editor-- I count on her to tell me the honest truth about how I'm hung. A second opinion is always good. (=

  40. I frickin' love this post. Awesome! I have a few people who will tell me if my boob is off. I appreciate those folks, for sure.

  41. Good luck with the revisions.
    What a bemused looking cat!
    I've been back to my WIP and am feeling more excited about it again Whoop! So I hope I can iron out any boobs in it ;O)

  42. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I ADORE that picture, and your bra story! And...
    Ok, I'm not gonna say that in a public forum - I'll email you!


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