Going on hiatus for a while. It's been a long time coming, and I'm still here, just not here here. Right? Right.
I'm amazed at all you mothers and fathers that work, write, and take care of children! You guys are super heros!!
But I am failing miserably at blogging and writing and working! I'd much rather succeed at one than fail at 3. So...
When my third novel is written I will be back! I'm just having a hard time focusing on so many different areas in life and I need to dive into my novel fully. Because it's bitchin'. And I love it. And I need it to be awesome on paper and not just in my head!
Happy Summer guys! See you all soon!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Midnight Potter Madness!
Short and sweet and picture-ific. Movie was...amazing. I have lots to say about it but you will hear none because I like to keep people neutral till they see it! So. Bring a tissue or two, and go and enjoy asap!
People kept moving too much, it was hard to get good pics of all the characters. I missed an incredible Bellatrix (she looked fierce!!) AND I missed a fun Hagrid who was also great!! (He got lots of cheers when he came in!)
There is a Mad-eye Moody, and a very bright pink Tonks in there.
No one in particular, just the side of our line. We look far back, but when they started calling individual theaters we got right up front! Great seats: Top row, middle!
CREEPY good Voldemort! He got on the news, and was taking pictures with people ALL NIGHT!(if this is you, I would love to give you credit! Let me know and I will! You were great!)
There is a professor Trelawny in there! She was great too! (again, I offer credit, if you will let me know!)
The mask was insta-sweat so I didn't wear it much, but people made me promise to have my movie bud take a picture so there you are!
I have more, but my computer isn't letting me blur faces for some reason, so I don't feel comfy posting them! Sorry! But the lines were so fun! People were awesome! Movie was *thumbs up* and had a wonderful time!
Hope you enjoy your weekend! Will be back Monday!
But don't forget my HP buds!!
People kept moving too much, it was hard to get good pics of all the characters. I missed an incredible Bellatrix (she looked fierce!!) AND I missed a fun Hagrid who was also great!! (He got lots of cheers when he came in!)
There is a Mad-eye Moody, and a very bright pink Tonks in there.
No one in particular, just the side of our line. We look far back, but when they started calling individual theaters we got right up front! Great seats: Top row, middle!
CREEPY good Voldemort! He got on the news, and was taking pictures with people ALL NIGHT!(if this is you, I would love to give you credit! Let me know and I will! You were great!)
There is a professor Trelawny in there! She was great too! (again, I offer credit, if you will let me know!)
The mask was insta-sweat so I didn't wear it much, but people made me promise to have my movie bud take a picture so there you are!
I have more, but my computer isn't letting me blur faces for some reason, so I don't feel comfy posting them! Sorry! But the lines were so fun! People were awesome! Movie was *thumbs up* and had a wonderful time!
Hope you enjoy your weekend! Will be back Monday!
But don't forget my HP buds!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Things You Look Forward To
Today I wanna discuss with you dudes! Granted, I will be out for the afternoon with work, but I will be back in the evening so don't use that as an excuse to slack off...
Firstly! The first "episode" last year was so cute/funny. So glad they did another!
Pick one question, pick all questions I don't care! But I do urge you to join in and answer something! I wanna know!
What scene are you looking forward to most in the new Harry Potter movie?
What has been your favorite book?
I loved 3. It has been hard to keep 3 as a favorite after 4-7, which were all good competition but it has always been my favorite. It's the first time you get a really good glimpse of how much deeper Voldemorts evil grip has tainted. How it isn't just Harry that has suffered and been struck by loss. I mean, you hear about everyone before then, but you never have seen it yet. And the introduction of Sirius into the novel just opens a new can of crap that has happened to people. Besides the fact that I have adored Sirius Black even before you found out he was on the good team. That helps ;)
Where were you/ how old were you when you picked up the first book?
Are you going to see the movie this weekend? If no, why not?! Are you insane?!
I AM! And yes. A bit.
If you could be anyone from the books, who would it be?
I would be Tonks. I love Tonks. She's bitchin!
Let's not forget that even though this is a major HP mania week in honor of the movie, it's the books that built everything. And it's the woman who built the books. And let me tell you, while this is sad, the last book was truly a depressing, exciting emotional trip when it was released! BUT then, you could at least console yourself with still having movies to look forward to! *sob*
If you haven't read the books...wtf is wrong with you!? ^_^ But seriously, you're missing out on SO much magic and awesomeness if you haven't and I urge you to do it already! The books, they are incredible. JK weaved such a realistic, wonderful, in depth world you just can't miss out on!
I'll be back Friday with pictures of the release night!
And don't forget to check out the other HP Maniacs this week!
Firstly! The first "episode" last year was so cute/funny. So glad they did another!
Pick one question, pick all questions I don't care! But I do urge you to join in and answer something! I wanna know!
What scene are you looking forward to most in the new Harry Potter movie?
Me, there is so much I look forward to, but the stand out scene I want is Mrs. Weasley and Bellatrix. "Not my daughter, you bitch!" CRAP! I got chills. I remember reading that line the first time and my heart nearly exploded! I was SO nervous for Mrs. Weasley! So much sadness by that point, and I just NEEDED her to be alright but at the same time I NEEDED HER TO KICK BELLATRIX'S ASS! Ya know? It was a very powerful mother to the rescue moment. And I loved it. And I can't wait to see it.
What has been your favorite book?
I loved 3. It has been hard to keep 3 as a favorite after 4-7, which were all good competition but it has always been my favorite. It's the first time you get a really good glimpse of how much deeper Voldemorts evil grip has tainted. How it isn't just Harry that has suffered and been struck by loss. I mean, you hear about everyone before then, but you never have seen it yet. And the introduction of Sirius into the novel just opens a new can of crap that has happened to people. Besides the fact that I have adored Sirius Black even before you found out he was on the good team. That helps ;)
Where were you/ how old were you when you picked up the first book?
I was around 15 when I started the first novel in 2001 after the 4th book was released. I was at my dads for the weekend and my sister had gone out on a date with a boyfriend. I was bored. My dad was upstairs, probably asleep, and there was nothing on tv. My friends were all an hour away cellphones weren't THE thing yet. So, as I sat there on the couch debating just giving up and going to bed like a loser at 7pm on a friday night, I noticed my sister left her stupid kid book on the table.
I had heard of Harry Potter but it wasn't something I was interested in because I was 15 and that might make me seem less cool. Cause. That's important and all...But rather than go to bed, I flipped it open to her marked page and started reading in the beginning middle without even reading the back flap to know what it was about. It only took one page for me to NEED to know wtf was going on! I loved Harry and I was concerned about how he got where he was and what was happening. And that was the beginning of my obsessive love 10 years ago. My sister took me to see the movie the very next night, the weekend it was released as a matter of fact.
Are you going to see the movie this weekend? If no, why not?! Are you insane?!
If you could be anyone from the books, who would it be?
I would be Tonks. I love Tonks. She's bitchin!
Let's not forget that even though this is a major HP mania week in honor of the movie, it's the books that built everything. And it's the woman who built the books. And let me tell you, while this is sad, the last book was truly a depressing, exciting emotional trip when it was released! BUT then, you could at least console yourself with still having movies to look forward to! *sob*
If you haven't read the books...wtf is wrong with you!? ^_^ But seriously, you're missing out on SO much magic and awesomeness if you haven't and I urge you to do it already! The books, they are incredible. JK weaved such a realistic, wonderful, in depth world you just can't miss out on!
I'll be back Friday with pictures of the release night!
And don't forget to check out the other HP Maniacs this week!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Harry Potter Mania!
Hurray! And *cry* the week is finally here! I have my tickets for midnight Friday. Do you? Two weeks before the release my theaters started selling them. And 2 weeks before the release my theaters were almost sold the eff out!! And I'm talking, 15 rooms in almost everyone one in the surrounding areas and they were all almost gone!
This week is all about HP. I'll be coming back to my old schedule for this week only. Today is just about showing off bits of the events that have already gone on around HP and letting you all know of my fabulous HP Mania companions!
Wednesday is just a fun discussion I want you all to participate in!
And Friday I'll be posting pictures (if by some MIRACLE I remember my camera) of costumes, my costume, and all the festivities at the theater! I donno about you guys, I LOVE the lines and waiting! My movie bud always gets a good spot, because he's fabulous and we always have a great time!
I can't believe this is the last time ever, though! *sigh*
But in honor, this week is being celebrated by some amazing bloggers and everyone else who is obsessed!
I'll tell ya, nothing has ever captivated me the way Harry Potter did. To people that don't get it, don't feel the same, we're very weird. But that's alright. It's hard to imagine people like that that don't get it, to me. So I can understand how they feel...sorta...
Lot's of theaters are doing something very cool. Mine is playing all 7 already released movies back to back all day long on the 14th for just $25.00. UNFORTUNATELY I'll be at work. But I bet it will be an awesome, butt-numbing experience!
Did you see the farewell? Omg.
I donno about you dudes, but when the crowd started chanting "thank you" to JK Rowling, I lost my cool.
London premier interviews!!
And lastly!
The last days on set! boohoo...
See you all Wednesday! Get pumped! And if you're the HP scrooge, don't ruin this for the rest of us. I'll confringo curse your ass so fast... ;)
Be sure and stop by my fellow HP lovers this week for all your HP needs! Everyone has something different and fun going on so you don't want to miss any of it!
And, if you hadn't noticed, I have gone Death Eater in my profile pic for this occasion! (bad to normal after this week) This was last years model, which won't be too different from this years DE model. Mask was homemade, painted, and carved by yours truly!
Happy Monday!
This week is all about HP. I'll be coming back to my old schedule for this week only. Today is just about showing off bits of the events that have already gone on around HP and letting you all know of my fabulous HP Mania companions!
Wednesday is just a fun discussion I want you all to participate in!
And Friday I'll be posting pictures (if by some MIRACLE I remember my camera) of costumes, my costume, and all the festivities at the theater! I donno about you guys, I LOVE the lines and waiting! My movie bud always gets a good spot, because he's fabulous and we always have a great time!
I can't believe this is the last time ever, though! *sigh*
But in honor, this week is being celebrated by some amazing bloggers and everyone else who is obsessed!
I'll tell ya, nothing has ever captivated me the way Harry Potter did. To people that don't get it, don't feel the same, we're very weird. But that's alright. It's hard to imagine people like that that don't get it, to me. So I can understand how they feel...sorta...
Lot's of theaters are doing something very cool. Mine is playing all 7 already released movies back to back all day long on the 14th for just $25.00. UNFORTUNATELY I'll be at work. But I bet it will be an awesome, butt-numbing experience!
Did you see the farewell? Omg.
I donno about you dudes, but when the crowd started chanting "thank you" to JK Rowling, I lost my cool.
London premier interviews!!
And lastly!
The last days on set! boohoo...
See you all Wednesday! Get pumped! And if you're the HP scrooge, don't ruin this for the rest of us. I'll confringo curse your ass so fast... ;)
Be sure and stop by my fellow HP lovers this week for all your HP needs! Everyone has something different and fun going on so you don't want to miss any of it!
And, if you hadn't noticed, I have gone Death Eater in my profile pic for this occasion! (bad to normal after this week) This was last years model, which won't be too different from this years DE model. Mask was homemade, painted, and carved by yours truly!
Happy Monday!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Gone For A Bit
But you guys have to check out this AWESOME contest brought to you by Lisa Galek herself. Win some awesome Harry Potter swag! (I get to be a judge! Squee!)
Also, Don't forget about Jennifer Hilliers CREEP birthday on the 5th!!! Hurray!!
Happy 4th to Americans!
Happy Monday to everyone else!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Odds and Ends. Mostly Odds...
Hey dudes! Happy Monday again!
Have you seen this insanity!? Bagel Head Saline Injections!? Japan. You have officially lost me.
Did you see where the Hyperbole and a Half gal got a book deal!? Awesome! She is too funny.
Did anyone miss this???
It happens. You write a story you enjoyed writing and being a part of. You decide that, hey, it might be good enough. You spend a butt-ton of time editing it (having other people edit it.) And then you put it out there. I'm talking about me, btw. Keep up.
Then...dun dun dunnnnnn...it isn't up to scratch. It isn't the writing(I have been told), it isn't the story(so much) it's a lot of little things. And when you get a bunch of little things that keep you down with that story, you have 2 choices: Revise to change all those little things. Or call it quits.
Me, I have amazing, wonderful writer friends in my corner and am not bummed so much as sorry they "wasted" time on a novel that just isn't going to work out right now.
But we move on. Something about character and not getting knocked down but how long it takes to get up or something.
My other novel that has been shelved for a year or so is being dusted off. Am proud beyond words of this idea and thrilled to make it kick-ass. So, away this writer shall go. The journey goes on. It'll happen. Encouraging words and such.
Query status: closed for now. With the queries still out, if one of those agents loves the story idea enough to pick it up, then awesome. If changes are requested after that, no problem. I am all in. But as is, I don't think it's something an agent will take a chance on.
HEY! This is catchy!
How you find me results for this past week:
Happy Monday!
Have you seen this insanity!? Bagel Head Saline Injections!? Japan. You have officially lost me.
Did you see where the Hyperbole and a Half gal got a book deal!? Awesome! She is too funny.
Did anyone miss this???
It happens. You write a story you enjoyed writing and being a part of. You decide that, hey, it might be good enough. You spend a butt-ton of time editing it (having other people edit it.) And then you put it out there. I'm talking about me, btw. Keep up.
Then...dun dun dunnnnnn...it isn't up to scratch. It isn't the writing(I have been told), it isn't the story(so much) it's a lot of little things. And when you get a bunch of little things that keep you down with that story, you have 2 choices: Revise to change all those little things. Or call it quits.
Me, I have amazing, wonderful writer friends in my corner and am not bummed so much as sorry they "wasted" time on a novel that just isn't going to work out right now.
But we move on. Something about character and not getting knocked down but how long it takes to get up or something.
My other novel that has been shelved for a year or so is being dusted off. Am proud beyond words of this idea and thrilled to make it kick-ass. So, away this writer shall go. The journey goes on. It'll happen. Encouraging words and such.
Query status: closed for now. With the queries still out, if one of those agents loves the story idea enough to pick it up, then awesome. If changes are requested after that, no problem. I am all in. But as is, I don't think it's something an agent will take a chance on.
HEY! This is catchy!
How you find me results for this past week:
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Happy Monday!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Counting Down
I got chills, teary eyed, and reminiscy feelings. This is going to be amazing and oh so sad at the same time. *sigh* The end. This Harry Potter girl has been living in the shadow of the last book for a long time so the last movie is...hard!
Last time dressing up for a HP release! Ah well! It's been amazing fun!
Has anyone tried Hot Yoga or Hot Pilates before? Signed up for a class and interested to talk to someone about their experience.
Still going along with queries and rewrites over here! Nothing news worthy to report yet. How's everyone else doing with their work?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wherefore Art Thou Delinquent Blogger?
I'm not really here this week. But I am (secretly) @ Laurel's place!
See you all Monday! (when, I swear, I'll be a better blogger friend.)
See you all Monday! (when, I swear, I'll be a better blogger friend.)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
New Game
Firstly I need to thank you all for being amazingly supportive. I really really needed to read all your wonderfully kind comments. Really. Truly. Thank you.
Also, BIG sorry for not replying to each and every one of you as I usually like to. I know you'll understand and forgive me (you're just that way, I know ;) but I am sorry. Things were just things. You know. *feet shuffle* I loved her so much. And I couldn't do it--get back to you, you know? And I'm sorry.
Moving on. As promised by the oh so tempting post title, I have a new game for you!
We're writers, right? We spend hours/days/years making characters up and making them special or putting them in special circumstances. Well, it's hard to imagine you all never thought of yourself in those predicaments. Right? Fantasizing it was you? Pft. Don't lie.
Well, today, since my WV game is running a little slow, I decided to start a new one every now and then!
Fictional Fantasy Favorites. Or Triple F.
So, have at it! Make your choices for your new magically awesome life! (I made mine already!) First round goes to personal abilities. Choose wisely.
Happy Monday Everyone!
Also, BIG sorry for not replying to each and every one of you as I usually like to. I know you'll understand and forgive me (you're just that way, I know ;) but I am sorry. Things were just things. You know. *feet shuffle* I loved her so much. And I couldn't do it--get back to you, you know? And I'm sorry.
Moving on. As promised by the oh so tempting post title, I have a new game for you!
We're writers, right? We spend hours/days/years making characters up and making them special or putting them in special circumstances. Well, it's hard to imagine you all never thought of yourself in those predicaments. Right? Fantasizing it was you? Pft. Don't lie.
Well, today, since my WV game is running a little slow, I decided to start a new one every now and then!
Fictional Fantasy Favorites. Or Triple F.
So, have at it! Make your choices for your new magically awesome life! (I made mine already!) First round goes to personal abilities. Choose wisely.
Happy Monday Everyone!
Monday, May 30, 2011
My grandmother died this weekend. We knew it was coming, her battle with lung cancer has been a long and hard one on her. I'm grateful her suffering is over, but I will miss her every day and love her more than I got a chance to tell her. I know she's better off. I know she is at peace, but my heart aches every time I think about the millions of good memories I have of her.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I would appreciate that a bunch.
I won't be here. Her visitation is Monday and funeral Tuesday, so please understand my absence.
Find time to tell your family you love them. Find time to share life with them and make memories where you can.
See you all next week!
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. I would appreciate that a bunch.
I won't be here. Her visitation is Monday and funeral Tuesday, so please understand my absence.
Find time to tell your family you love them. Find time to share life with them and make memories where you can.
See you all next week!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Stranger Thor Fatty Weekend
This weekend was nice. Too fast, as usual, but nice! On my way home from work Thursday I stopped at Hardees to try it out (I haven't always been a huge fan, and haven't eaten it in years).
Thursday was also the first day in uniform for the office that I work in. Apparently, if you show up in scrubs you get free small fries and drinks! (Small being a normal persons medium, btw) Hazzah! It was pretty good for fast food too! (having half free didn't hurt either)
Saturday night was steak grilled out on the bbq and a fresh tomato. MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM. Also, had a super fun crit meeting with the gals. Love those gals. I haven't laughed that much in a while. Even if my villain turned into a fountain and a deflating inflatable arm flailing tube man at one point in the conversation ;)
Sunday mom and I couldn't decide which movie to see, Thor or the new Pirates. So we picked both! Thor was way better than I expected, but I really would have paid 6.50 just to see sexy Chris Hemsworth mud wrestle in the rain any day so it was a total, unexpected win. Also pretty randomly funny.
Pirates of the Caribbean was a surprise too. I expected very little and was given a lot! Johnny Depp rocked my world AGAIN. So, all in a all a movie going success!! (don't waste money on 3D for Pirates, though. We had to upgrade because of Thor letting out late and missed the opening to the non-3D one, and it was a waste of 6 bucks. Not cool enough to warrant the $)
Oh man...I hope I have dreams of Johnny Depp mud wrestling Chris Hemsworth in the rain...Prize for the winner? Muah! Prize for the loser? Oh that's right. Me again! Bring it dream land.
Lastly, I have been in a funk lately with my MS. I need to finish up some work on it, and have put off finishing my synopsis as long as my bratty attitude can. So this week I am knucklin' down and just doing that shiz. No excuses!
What's new with you guys? See anything/do anything fun this weekend?
Thursday was also the first day in uniform for the office that I work in. Apparently, if you show up in scrubs you get free small fries and drinks! (Small being a normal persons medium, btw) Hazzah! It was pretty good for fast food too! (having half free didn't hurt either)
Saturday night was steak grilled out on the bbq and a fresh tomato. MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM. Also, had a super fun crit meeting with the gals. Love those gals. I haven't laughed that much in a while. Even if my villain turned into a fountain and a deflating inflatable arm flailing tube man at one point in the conversation ;)
Sunday mom and I couldn't decide which movie to see, Thor or the new Pirates. So we picked both! Thor was way better than I expected, but I really would have paid 6.50 just to see sexy Chris Hemsworth mud wrestle in the rain any day so it was a total, unexpected win. Also pretty randomly funny.
Pirates of the Caribbean was a surprise too. I expected very little and was given a lot! Johnny Depp rocked my world AGAIN. So, all in a all a movie going success!! (don't waste money on 3D for Pirates, though. We had to upgrade because of Thor letting out late and missed the opening to the non-3D one, and it was a waste of 6 bucks. Not cool enough to warrant the $)
Oh man...I hope I have dreams of Johnny Depp mud wrestling Chris Hemsworth in the rain...Prize for the winner? Muah! Prize for the loser? Oh that's right. Me again! Bring it dream land.
Lastly, I have been in a funk lately with my MS. I need to finish up some work on it, and have put off finishing my synopsis as long as my bratty attitude can. So this week I am knucklin' down and just doing that shiz. No excuses!
What's new with you guys? See anything/do anything fun this weekend?
Monday, May 16, 2011
Word Verification Gets Tricky
Did everyone shut off their word verifications lately or what!? This was a difficult list to compile, a couple donated by the lovely Abby Minard herself. Ah well, not complaining. Easier to comment without them, harder to make the game without them. Kinda balances out in the end ;)
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Fear Itself
Anyone watched that? Fear Itself? It's pretty good! Pretty weird! Just started on it last night, just curious.
This week marks the beginning of the hunt for that dream agent. I'm grateful I never tried with my first novel and decided to give another one a try before approaching anyone. I've learned a lot since starting out. That's the beauty of this whole gig. Ever day you write you learn more.
But this is very new. It's terrifying. It's exciting. And every time I think about submitting my little novel to a professional I want to vomit and jump for joy at the same time. (what a mess that would be...)
I run and check my query every half hour. I double check...triple check my agent list. I scour their website/blog and am on the verge of stalking the ones on twitter(Gimme a little credit, I have some restraint...right now...)
And all the while think "Oh God, what am I doing!?" while another thought, an excited thought that sparks unwanted hope pops in-"I can do this."
But mostly I know: whatever will be, will be!
General Updates:
Happy Monday!
This week marks the beginning of the hunt for that dream agent. I'm grateful I never tried with my first novel and decided to give another one a try before approaching anyone. I've learned a lot since starting out. That's the beauty of this whole gig. Ever day you write you learn more.
But this is very new. It's terrifying. It's exciting. And every time I think about submitting my little novel to a professional I want to vomit and jump for joy at the same time. (what a mess that would be...)
I run and check my query every half hour. I double check...triple check my agent list. I scour their website/blog and am on the verge of stalking the ones on twitter(Gimme a little credit, I have some restraint...right now...)
And all the while think "Oh God, what am I doing!?" while another thought, an excited thought that sparks unwanted hope pops in-"I can do this."
But mostly I know: whatever will be, will be!
General Updates:
- Almost broke my right elbow Saturday mowing the grass. Weird? I'm accident prone that way. The weird way.
- Buffy marathon this weekend rocked. Only halfway through season 2, which is awesome. I savor Buffy. Is that weird? It's all for Spike, though. Mmmmmm Spike...
- A friend lent me 16 Stephanie Plum novels. They. Are. Bitching! My mom has been hassling me since they came out to read them, but I have always blown her off. She totally got a ridiculous "I told you so" moment on Sunday. There. Happy Mothers Day, you were right! ;)
Happy Monday!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Thursdays Are For Doing
Back again for day 2 at The QQQE with Matthew MacNish!
Thanks to everyone for their sweet words and kindness over there yesterday! And thanks in advance for anything you have to add in today!
See you all Monday!
Thanks to everyone for their sweet words and kindness over there yesterday! And thanks in advance for anything you have to add in today!
See you all Monday!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Not there, There! No, over THERE.
So, today I'm not here. I am disabling comments because I am literally not HERE to respond or reciprocate.
And, anyway, this is just a heads-up.
I...lost my ever lovin' mind, or grew some serious nads (not sure which I like better...) and asked Matthew MacNish to crit my query. *Cringe* So that is up on The QQQE today!
So, man balls, or insane, I am up on his blog today and tomorrow.
Will be keeping an eye on comments there, not here, after work. As this is the first(ish) glimpse of something I have written and my novel, I hope you will enjoy it!
Moved the possible query release to agent date to Monday, to accommodate any changes I need to make, as well as finish up my list of desired agents.
Happy Wednesday!
And, anyway, this is just a heads-up.
I...lost my ever lovin' mind, or grew some serious nads (not sure which I like better...) and asked Matthew MacNish to crit my query. *Cringe* So that is up on The QQQE today!
So, man balls, or insane, I am up on his blog today and tomorrow.
Will be keeping an eye on comments there, not here, after work. As this is the first(ish) glimpse of something I have written and my novel, I hope you will enjoy it!
Moved the possible query release to agent date to Monday, to accommodate any changes I need to make, as well as finish up my list of desired agents.
Happy Wednesday!
Matthew MacNish,
Monday, May 2, 2011
Am I Tan Yet?
Okay, so the blogcation wasn't really on a beach in the sun somewhere tropical. Maybe in my head. That counts, right?...right...?
HELLO! Glad to be back! Missed you guys!!! Hope you had a great month! Welcome my new followers! So pleased to have you!
I accomplished the great query write of 2011. The novel is looking pretty shiny thanks to my awesome crit gals, and no, I didn't write the synopsis. I'm holding out hope that I wont really need it. Don't rain on my parade. Denial is a real process. Be cool, guys. Be cool.
The query wasn't as hellish as I expected. Maybe to the gals it was. (3-5 emails from me a day with minor tweeks "IS THIS BETTER!?" while I do the peepee-dance of anticipation and hope to GOD they don't boot me out of the group for being a major pain in the ass.) But truthfully, it wasn't as hard as I expected. Picking out the necessities and leaving out the stuff that isn't NEED TO KNOW is probably the hardest part.
If you're there plugging away at a query or about to, I suggest getting badass crit partners who you can bounce different versions of queries off of (yes, need more than one) and ask yourself at every sentence "do they need to know that to get the story?". I'm no expert. This is the first query I have ever finished, but without the gals and the debate, the query would still be in pieces in my writing folder. Not ready to send off!
Got some balls together and asked the awesomely fantabulous Matthew MacNish to give me a hand too. So that may be up this week at some point on his blog!! SCARY! Will let you know if/when that goes up.
Either way, by Thursday I hope to begin the query process.
Lastly, this time off from blogging has made me realize something very important that is ultimately going to lead to changes around here. I miss writing. I had not realized how much time I devoted to blogging, and don't get me wrong, I love you guys and blogging, but the reason behind it all is for writing. Which I neglected...seriously neglected. SO the changes to come, I will be cutting from 3 days a week to 1-2 a week.
Still on the fence about whether or not Funny Fridays will be axed. But Mondays will not be.
I need to refocus on the dream. Ya know? THE dream. Which has taken a back seat for too long. Rededication. Yes, indeedy.
So all in all, this April I made some good progress, watched some great TV/Movies, went on a diet, lost 5lb, gave up diet cause I have no real willpower, started an exercise regiment that is pretty frikkin awesome, and had a really wonderful time getting even closer with the crit gals. So, I would say HUGE success!
Since I missed so much in April, feel free to tell me some great news you got, any news I might have missed, or anything about yourself in general. I am anxious to know what you all have been up to!
Hazzah! And Happy Monday!
HELLO! Glad to be back! Missed you guys!!! Hope you had a great month! Welcome my new followers! So pleased to have you!
I accomplished the great query write of 2011. The novel is looking pretty shiny thanks to my awesome crit gals, and no, I didn't write the synopsis. I'm holding out hope that I wont really need it. Don't rain on my parade. Denial is a real process. Be cool, guys. Be cool.
The query wasn't as hellish as I expected. Maybe to the gals it was. (3-5 emails from me a day with minor tweeks "IS THIS BETTER!?" while I do the peepee-dance of anticipation and hope to GOD they don't boot me out of the group for being a major pain in the ass.) But truthfully, it wasn't as hard as I expected. Picking out the necessities and leaving out the stuff that isn't NEED TO KNOW is probably the hardest part.
If you're there plugging away at a query or about to, I suggest getting badass crit partners who you can bounce different versions of queries off of (yes, need more than one) and ask yourself at every sentence "do they need to know that to get the story?". I'm no expert. This is the first query I have ever finished, but without the gals and the debate, the query would still be in pieces in my writing folder. Not ready to send off!
Got some balls together and asked the awesomely fantabulous Matthew MacNish to give me a hand too. So that may be up this week at some point on his blog!! SCARY! Will let you know if/when that goes up.
Either way, by Thursday I hope to begin the query process.
Lastly, this time off from blogging has made me realize something very important that is ultimately going to lead to changes around here. I miss writing. I had not realized how much time I devoted to blogging, and don't get me wrong, I love you guys and blogging, but the reason behind it all is for writing. Which I neglected...seriously neglected. SO the changes to come, I will be cutting from 3 days a week to 1-2 a week.
Still on the fence about whether or not Funny Fridays will be axed. But Mondays will not be.
I need to refocus on the dream. Ya know? THE dream. Which has taken a back seat for too long. Rededication. Yes, indeedy.
So all in all, this April I made some good progress, watched some great TV/Movies, went on a diet, lost 5lb, gave up diet cause I have no real willpower, started an exercise regiment that is pretty frikkin awesome, and had a really wonderful time getting even closer with the crit gals. So, I would say HUGE success!
Since I missed so much in April, feel free to tell me some great news you got, any news I might have missed, or anything about yourself in general. I am anxious to know what you all have been up to!
Hazzah! And Happy Monday!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Since there is an astronomical amount of bloggers going to be busy with the A-Z Challenge this month, I decided to take a break. Well, sort of.
Chances are, you'll find me enjoying many of your posts from time to time but the month long break is about getting some serious work done!
Goals for April:
- Finish ALL final edits on INTO.
- Write/edit/polish query
- Write synopsis
So, though I may be neck deep in the final stages of novel writing and balancing on the edge of queridom, I will be thinking fondly of you all and wishing you luck on the A-Z challenge or whatever other projects you have in April! (how effing long was that sentence!?)
But first: Last FF until May 6th! (calm down. Don't spazz. It'll be alright.)
What is it about old folks dancing to Zeppelin that I love? Umm...I just answered my own question.
Since it is April Fools Day:
Happy Friday! See you in May!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Harry Potter Best Buddy Blogfest
Michael Di Gesu is hosting a sweeeeeeet blogfest today!
Simple, fun, my kind of blogfest! Go get in on the action!
All you have to do is sign up and tell the world which two characters would you want for your BFF, AND what kind of trio would you be? Isn't this GREAT!? We need something fun for this HUMP day.
So, I thought and thought...then thought some more. And came up with a problem. You see, I thought of my friends in school and I had different kinds in different "groups". I like all kinds of people, hang out with all kinds, and always have. SO, I couldn't pick JUST two. BUT I could pick 2 sets that best fit the kinds of people I grew up friends with(and still am friends with most today!)
First up we have the girl group. These lovely ladies were my giggles and shoulders. They had my back, were(are) brave, strong, and tough. Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet would be my girls.
Second group, the boys. I loved having boy's as close friends. They were funny and never seemed to need to treat me as "the girl" in the group. I ran with their pack, played their delinquent hoodlum guy games, cursed like the best of them and could throw a punch.
So my second choice was easy. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin would be my boys. Smart, funny, rugged, loyal, sympathetic, but could also be brutal. (no one said the students had to be in HP's time!)
Hop around and find out who everyone's BFF's would be! Or just tell me here!
Happy Wednesday lovies!
Simple, fun, my kind of blogfest! Go get in on the action!
All you have to do is sign up and tell the world which two characters would you want for your BFF, AND what kind of trio would you be? Isn't this GREAT!? We need something fun for this HUMP day.
So, I thought and thought...then thought some more. And came up with a problem. You see, I thought of my friends in school and I had different kinds in different "groups". I like all kinds of people, hang out with all kinds, and always have. SO, I couldn't pick JUST two. BUT I could pick 2 sets that best fit the kinds of people I grew up friends with(and still am friends with most today!)
First up we have the girl group. These lovely ladies were my giggles and shoulders. They had my back, were(are) brave, strong, and tough. Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet would be my girls.
Second group, the boys. I loved having boy's as close friends. They were funny and never seemed to need to treat me as "the girl" in the group. I ran with their pack, played their delinquent hoodlum guy games, cursed like the best of them and could throw a punch.
So my second choice was easy. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin would be my boys. Smart, funny, rugged, loyal, sympathetic, but could also be brutal. (no one said the students had to be in HP's time!)
Hop around and find out who everyone's BFF's would be! Or just tell me here!
Happy Wednesday lovies!
Monday, March 28, 2011
You Shall Be Named . . . What?
Forgoing my regular Monday post full of catchup stuffs and nothing in particular, I'd like to move Writery Wednesday to today since Wednesday will be for Michael's HP Blogfest. You're welcome.
(Feeling much better this week! Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Got some pampering from the sweet hubs, lots of rest, and bunches of movies this weekend! ((Crazies, Red Riding Hood, Sucker Punch, Eat Pray Love, and the TV series Eureka!)) so feeling better.)
My damn-near finished novel has always had a name. It's what I have called it since I changed the main character's filler name(anna) to her permanent one. (My characters always have a filler name in the beginning until I settle. It's weirdly, usually always Anna. Except the newest idea's character is Annalee, for some reason. Weird, right? I don't even realize I do it when I'm furiously putting down a new idea before it's lost!)
ANYWAY, naming characters has never been a problem. I love the name hunt, actually.
But...book titles? Not so much...
I'm to the point that the title is becoming a problem. I know authors don't have the final say in titles, usually, but it's still important to have something good, appealing, attention getting, curiosity evoking, and memorable in the first place when you approach and agent. Can't just call the damn thing...My Damn Thing.(can I?)
So how do you do it? What is your method? Where do your titles come from? Do they just show up or do you have to brainstorm?
I'm not worried about finding my title. I know I will, I have some plans and some very creative and smart people with my back. I was just curious about how you guys do it!
Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week!
(Feeling much better this week! Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Got some pampering from the sweet hubs, lots of rest, and bunches of movies this weekend! ((Crazies, Red Riding Hood, Sucker Punch, Eat Pray Love, and the TV series Eureka!)) so feeling better.)
My damn-near finished novel has always had a name. It's what I have called it since I changed the main character's filler name(anna) to her permanent one. (My characters always have a filler name in the beginning until I settle. It's weirdly, usually always Anna. Except the newest idea's character is Annalee, for some reason. Weird, right? I don't even realize I do it when I'm furiously putting down a new idea before it's lost!)
ANYWAY, naming characters has never been a problem. I love the name hunt, actually.
But...book titles? Not so much...
I'm to the point that the title is becoming a problem. I know authors don't have the final say in titles, usually, but it's still important to have something good, appealing, attention getting, curiosity evoking, and memorable in the first place when you approach and agent. Can't just call the damn thing...My Damn Thing.(can I?)
So how do you do it? What is your method? Where do your titles come from? Do they just show up or do you have to brainstorm?
I'm not worried about finding my title. I know I will, I have some plans and some very creative and smart people with my back. I was just curious about how you guys do it!
Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week!
Friday, March 25, 2011
F.F. Sicky
Ugh! Okay, I really want to apologize to everyone. I started off this week with the best intentions to read all my blogs, be a good follower, answer all the comments I got in emails and then...I got knocked on my ass. It's Wed night as I type this apology and all I want to do after a long day toughing it out at work is crawl in bed and die.
I don't say any of this to make anyone feel sorry for me, it's I that truly feel badly about not getting back to everyone like I planned! So, I'm sorry you guys!
Anyway, on to FF!
As I have spent half a day in bed watching TV/Movies and will continue on the quest for perfect body indentation until illness has left this house, here are some (inappropriate) commercials to enjoy!
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
I don't say any of this to make anyone feel sorry for me, it's I that truly feel badly about not getting back to everyone like I planned! So, I'm sorry you guys!
Anyway, on to FF!
As I have spent half a day in bed watching TV/Movies and will continue on the quest for perfect body indentation until illness has left this house, here are some (inappropriate) commercials to enjoy!
Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Writing Accusation
Has this ever happened to you? Do you worry that it might, one day?
Does it haunt you? The thought that maybe, one day, you could accomplish your dream, get published and then...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN...someone calls you a thief?(Didn't till now? Whoops...my fault...)
Me neither.
Okay, so, unless you consciously are a thieving liar, then I doubt you'll ever have to worry. But what about when you're busy writing a book, editing you book, or submitting it and someone comes along and publishes that idea, close enough that you just *facepalm*?
Do you keep going? Do you quit? Try something else? Break stuff and insult the authors mother?
Me (it happened a little over a year ago) I finished off the novel and put it in a drawer. I quit it...and used some bad language against someone who is probably a very fine person and not at all what I said nor did the things I suggested they do. (tempers.)
BUT, my version blew in comparison. It was a smidgen too generic and the other guy wrote it better. I'm the kind of person that knows when to let go and not regret it. (JNCO's, let 'em go. Wearing 12 necklaces at once, Let it go((oh...high school...)) Diets, let 'em go)
So, if faced with that situation, you just have to use your best judgment. If your judgment sucks, ask a friend. But either way, it's up to you if you give it up or keep it alive.
Here are some questions can ask yourself: Is my idea better? Is my idea stronger? Is my idea different enough? Am I good enough to make this work? Do I love it enough?
If you answer "yes" to any of them, see where you can take it! And don't lose heart.
Also: Did you get your copy of Wither yesterday? This gal did. Hazzah!
Happy Wednesday!
Does it haunt you? The thought that maybe, one day, you could accomplish your dream, get published and then...DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN...someone calls you a thief?(Didn't till now? Whoops...my fault...)
Me neither.
Okay, so, unless you consciously are a thieving liar, then I doubt you'll ever have to worry. But what about when you're busy writing a book, editing you book, or submitting it and someone comes along and publishes that idea, close enough that you just *facepalm*?
Do you keep going? Do you quit? Try something else? Break stuff and insult the authors mother?
Me (it happened a little over a year ago) I finished off the novel and put it in a drawer. I quit it...and used some bad language against someone who is probably a very fine person and not at all what I said nor did the things I suggested they do. (tempers.)
BUT, my version blew in comparison. It was a smidgen too generic and the other guy wrote it better. I'm the kind of person that knows when to let go and not regret it. (JNCO's, let 'em go. Wearing 12 necklaces at once, Let it go((oh...high school...)) Diets, let 'em go)
So, if faced with that situation, you just have to use your best judgment. If your judgment sucks, ask a friend. But either way, it's up to you if you give it up or keep it alive.
Here are some questions can ask yourself: Is my idea better? Is my idea stronger? Is my idea different enough? Am I good enough to make this work? Do I love it enough?
If you answer "yes" to any of them, see where you can take it! And don't lose heart.
Also: Did you get your copy of Wither yesterday? This gal did. Hazzah!
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, March 21, 2011
SPAM man! And my own WINNER!
Talei @ Musings of an Aspiring Scribe gifted me with the Stylish blogger award! Thanks sooo much Talei!!
(duties have been performed for this award previously)
Not often do I get a forward that makes me giggle quite so hard. So this Monday I just want to pass on the giggles.
Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist
and Dr. Jones was the proctologist.
They put up a sign reading:
"Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors".
The town council was livid and insisted they change it.
So, the docs changed it to read:
"Schizoids and Hemorrhoids"
This was also not acceptable, so they again changed the sign.
"Catatonics and High Colonics"
...No go.
Next, they tried "Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives"
...thumbs down again.
Then came "Minds and Behinds"
...still no good.
Another attempt resulted in "Lost Souls and Butt Holes"
...unacceptable yet again.
So they tried "Analysis and Anal Cysts"
...not a chance.
"Nuts and Butts"
...no way.
"Freaks and Cheeks"
...still no good.
"Loons and Moons"
...forget it.
Almost at their wit's end,
the docs finally came up with:
"Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones - Odds and Ends"
I hope you had an awesome weekend!! Oh, wait, you all probably want to know who won Alexia and my SPD Blogfest from last week! Well, it was REALLY hard to choose just one! You guys were bringing the awesome writing for sure!
But Alexia and I got together Sunday and narrowed them all down to our two picks, though we wish it could have been more like 40 something winners.
Without farther diddling around...I had to go with TRACY! @ Forever Endeavor. She wrote a hilarious bit that totally caught me off guard. Go check it out and see for yourself!
And Tracy, if you would please email me your book choice and address I'll have your prize out asap! ce dot murphy at yahoo dot com.
(For Alexia's winner go to her page.)
Happy Monday!
(duties have been performed for this award previously)
Not often do I get a forward that makes me giggle quite so hard. So this Monday I just want to pass on the giggles.
"Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided that, in spite of two different specialties, they would open a practice together to share office space and personnel.
Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist
and Dr. Jones was the proctologist.
They put up a sign reading:
"Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors".
The town council was livid and insisted they change it.
So, the docs changed it to read:
"Schizoids and Hemorrhoids"
This was also not acceptable, so they again changed the sign.
"Catatonics and High Colonics"
...No go.
Next, they tried "Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives"
...thumbs down again.
Then came "Minds and Behinds"
...still no good.
Another attempt resulted in "Lost Souls and Butt Holes"
...unacceptable yet again.
So they tried "Analysis and Anal Cysts"
...not a chance.
"Nuts and Butts"
...no way.
"Freaks and Cheeks"
...still no good.
"Loons and Moons"
...forget it.
Almost at their wit's end,
the docs finally came up with:
"Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones - Odds and Ends"
I hope you had an awesome weekend!! Oh, wait, you all probably want to know who won Alexia and my SPD Blogfest from last week! Well, it was REALLY hard to choose just one! You guys were bringing the awesome writing for sure!
But Alexia and I got together Sunday and narrowed them all down to our two picks, though we wish it could have been more like 40 something winners.
Without farther diddling around...I had to go with TRACY! @ Forever Endeavor. She wrote a hilarious bit that totally caught me off guard. Go check it out and see for yourself!
And Tracy, if you would please email me your book choice and address I'll have your prize out asap! ce dot murphy at yahoo dot com.
(For Alexia's winner go to her page.)
Happy Monday!
Friday, March 18, 2011
ROLL CALL! Speak Now or Be a Loser!
(Hey, I gave you the choice...)
Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in Alexia and my very first blogfest on St. Patrick's Day! And to everyone who hopped around, even if they didn't have the ability to enter (we understand. Life gets in the way of extra stuff a lot. No worries!)
It was a blast!! You guys ROCK!
Dudes, I just want to verify I have seen and have everyone's name down on my list of who's entered into the contest. If you have written a post for the SPD Blogfest hosted by the lovely and talented Alexia Chamberlynn and myself, and I have confirmed via comment that I have seen you, then you're entered!
IF NOT, let me know now that we have not been by to see y
Are you ready?
I am...
Happy weekend!
Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in Alexia and my very first blogfest on St. Patrick's Day! And to everyone who hopped around, even if they didn't have the ability to enter (we understand. Life gets in the way of extra stuff a lot. No worries!)
It was a blast!! You guys ROCK!
Dudes, I just want to verify I have seen and have everyone's name down on my list of who's entered into the contest. If you have written a post for the SPD Blogfest hosted by the lovely and talented Alexia Chamberlynn and myself, and I have confirmed via comment that I have seen you, then you're entered!
IF NOT, let me know now that we have not been by to see y
Are you ready?
I am...
Happy weekend!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
SPD Fest Baby! Blarny! Arse! Bollocks! Sexy Accents and Such!
Happy Thursday! Did you all wear your green today?
I donno about you, girls, but I am a SUCKER for the Irish accent. Dudes, take note! 1.Get the accent and 2.you will get the babes. Proven fact. Don't believe me? FINE! Be alone then!
Okay, I broke the rules but as one of two of the creators of this fest, I can, so nanner-nanner-boo-boo. It's longer than 200. But again. My game. I get to.
We had an amazing turn out for this fest! Thanks everyone for being so incredibly awesome!! Alexia and I will pick our 2 winners by the end of the week! Keep an eye out for the announcement on MONDAY!!(Alexia will post her's on her site, me on mine.)
~Colene Murphy
Hop around! Enjoy the festivities and Happy St. Patrick's Day my friends!
I donno about you, girls, but I am a SUCKER for the Irish accent. Dudes, take note! 1.Get the accent and 2.you will get the babes. Proven fact. Don't believe me? FINE! Be alone then!
Okay, I broke the rules but as one of two of the creators of this fest, I can, so nanner-nanner-boo-boo. It's longer than 200. But again. My game. I get to.
We had an amazing turn out for this fest! Thanks everyone for being so incredibly awesome!! Alexia and I will pick our 2 winners by the end of the week! Keep an eye out for the announcement on MONDAY!!(Alexia will post her's on her site, me on mine.)
Green lights flickered in the distance. I managed to find a secluded patch of grass to pass out on. The hill overlooked all the downtown action but I was tired of the noise and needed to get away. Cool night air folded blades of grass onto my cheek. It tickled but my Guinness-heavy arms couldn't brush it away. Just as that all too familiar black, solid sleep hit I thought I saw a flash of green velvet and gold buckles.
“Poke her,” a too high pitched voice to be human said near my head.
“You can't poke the princess!”
Princess? Did I pass out in the 1800's?
My eyes opened but the haze didn't lift for some of the longest seconds I have ever known. Little men with fuzzy faces, green velvet suits with gold accents, and curly shoes were crowded around me.
“Give her some air,” one snapped at the small – and I meant that literally – crowd.
Head pounding, I sat up on my elbows, eyes darting around me. I felt weird. Hung over, yes, but my skin was being assaulted by a strange sensation. When I looked down, I found the culprit. A gown of silk and silver draped over me. Ringlets bounced on my shoulders as, startled, my accusing gaze glared at each little man in turn.
Someone had changed me, seen me naked!
“Amber,” a booming voice called to me. Not small or pitched right to belong to one of the tiny men and nothing but my name was spoken.
I found him, standing tall and commanding behind the crowd. It parted as he drew near. His hand motioned for me to take it. When I did, his strong arm lifted me from the ground. He was ugly as sin. Though his smile was obviously meant to be comforting, the sneer, full of gangly, yellow teeth, did nothing to ease my fear. His eyes were what made me believe he was trying to be kind. They were soft and bright green, sparkling like glitter.
He filled me with magic, from my perfectly dyed blond hair, to my pedicured toes. It tingled within me, almost painfully. And the little men bowed low, their noses touching the grass.
The ugly stranger, a King it would turn out, gave me magic. The little men -leprechauns-gave me adoration.
And that is how I became the Leprechaun Queen – drunk and passed out on a hillside in Ireland on Saint Patrick's Day.
Hop around! Enjoy the festivities and Happy St. Patrick's Day my friends!
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