Friday, January 14, 2011

Forgetful Fail!

I completely had a blonde moment!

I'm interviewed on Michelle Merrill's blog today!! Woop!

Go check her out, she is such an awesome writer blogger! Go know her!

Oh, and the hubs found my blog all on his own!! *waves*

***Facepalm* NOW there is a link. Thanks Lisa! 


  1. Best of luck with the interview, Colene!

  2. Yay! I'm going over to check it out now (oh, and you didn't put a link... did you want a link in there?)

  3. I'm on my way to read all about you and I'm waving at your hubs.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  4. michelle interviewed me last week! So glad she followed me with someone I already love and respect (before it was Jen Daiker so now I'm sandwiched with AWESOME!)

  5. I'm really very impressed with hubs...:)

  6. Will head over there now!

    All the best, Colene :)

  7. You mean he hasn't been reading it this whole time? I was going to say something earlier about it but I figured you always have a method to your madness ;p Or just blonde moments I guess. Teehee.

  8. You mean you actually told your hubs you blog? I just pretend I have really important teacher stuff (yes, that's a technical term) to do on the computer every night for hours. ;)
    (off to the interview, congrats!)

  9. I'll have to check it out tomorrow! :)

  10. Checked out your interview and fun to find out even MORE stuff about you! (just glad she didn't really ask the same questions I did... :)) You know, I can't write in comfy places either...

  11. Harry Potter, ftw. Enjoyed the interview :)

  12. Off I go to read! My husband has my blog address, but even when I tell him he got a mention, he still doesn't seem to read. Oh well! If I can only get so much reading out of him, I'd rather have him on the WIP.

  13. Sounds like something I would have done. ;)
    On my way to check it out.

  14. Blonde moments in the public eye of the Internet - don't you hate that? I have nightmares about it sometimes. :p Congrats on the great interview.

  15. Loved your interview at Michelle's blog! Fun to learn more about you:).

  16. K.M. It was a HORRIFYING moment. But then it made me laugh. The longer I'm around on this bloggy world the greater chances for people to realize I'm a klutz. In real life and internet life ;)

    Thanks all for stopping by the interview!!!

  17. Thanks for the heads up!


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