Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Word Verification Wednesday Wants Your Favorite

Short and sweet for today. I wanted to revisit some of your top choices for WVW.  These words won the first voting round and I want you to pick your favorite! It's really that easy and not at all because I am WAY behind this week and haven't had a moment to write a real post.

Seriously, though, I'm sorry dudes. I have been butt deep in the slimy waters of revisions and actual pay-the-bills-and-provide-the-noms work work this week. It's been CRAZY! But because of the list of priorities, (1.Writing ze novel, 2. working ze job, 3. eating ze foods, and 4. being ze semi-decent wifey) blogging has had to take the #5 spot this week.

Please know that this does pain me. I miss you guys something fierce. I hate missing out on all the wonderful things you all say that I have grown accustomed to reading on a regular basis. Egads! Dare I say it? I pine for you...

Okay, serious did take a weird turn there, didn't it?

All that just to say that while I am sorry, and I do miss you guys, what would be the point of a blog about a writer's journey to getting published if that particular writer never actually polished up the novel and got it out there? It's like a boat with no sea. A cloud with no air. A bitchin' shade of nail polish with no nails.

Anyway! Vote away, my fine fizzy friends! And I will be back Friday with the LOLs for you all! Hopefully...

ALSO!  Don't forget to sign up for Alexia and my blogfest! You have a little over a week to participate, write something fun, and try to win a new release of your choice!!


  1. I'm the first vote! I am SOOOO honored.

    Don't worry Colene... OF all people we know how diligent you are with keeping up with all of us. I wish I had 48 hours a day so I can comment on every blog I love.

  2. Dangit! I thought I was going to be the first vote and Michael beat me to it. Grrr.

    I know what you mean. It's REALLY hard to find a balance between the blogging world and still . . . ya know, WRITING. Bummer!

  3. This was hard to choose! Two of them had me laughing out loud.

    Good luck with everything you gotta do!

  4. Lol, that was hard to choose. I laughed at several of them! And I know how you feel about the paying the bills - depresses me every time I pull out the checkbook.

  5. Love the poll. I had to pick the one related to my old occupation. ;)

    Good luck with the revisions. I'm about to crawl back into my revision cave. :D

  6. I won't tell my wife another woman pines for me...

  7. Colene!!! You know I pine for you daily! I'd even love you if you were a rotting zombie corpse. HAHA!

    YAY word verification! I picked my FAVE!

    I hope you're having fun with your revisions and my 1000+ comments. :S


  8. Tooo funny. Love the poll ;-) ...but you're right. Actual writing needs to occur in a writer's life, and I'm also woefully behind on that front... best of luck!

  9. I can't not love anything with the pre- or suffix bro. I love it!

  10. Good luck with revisions. I'm headed there as well.

  11. Voted. Now onto brophyo for the rest of the day. :)

  12. Love those. I pine for you daily, and I'm sure you can tell with the gobs of emails you receive from me.

  13. Great poll! Thank you! And totally hearing you on priorities this week. Good luck with everything. ;-)

  14. I hope you find your balance and everything evens out for you soon. Until then, hang in there. :hugs:

  15. Ah! Best of luck in revsionland! Take all the time you need.

  16. Slimey waters? I thought the water was FUNKY.
    ;-) Now get back to work. Uri demands it. You don't want to see her terrible face.

  17. The two dudes making yogurt made me laugh! Fun poll! I need to do more polls.

  18. I voted for the dudes making yoghurt.

    I liked your list of priorities >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  19. Good luck with your revisions Colene! :-) I voted!

  20. Preono was my favorite. :)

    Good luck with revisions!

  21. Thanks again for the chuckle! :O)

  22. This is the toughest poll I’ve ever taken.

  23. You made me laugh! That is not that easy. I smile a lot when reading funny things. But to actually LOL, we'll it's rare with me. You just did that.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium, Special .99 through April 30

  24. No worries! Write, write and write some more. We'll be around! :) Oh, to answer quickly - The Dead Zone is pretty cool so far. It made me think Anthony Michael Hall is kind of hot! (too weird?) Happy revising!

  25. Definitely a tough choice! But how fun.

    Don't worry about not blogging. I don't think anyone can blame you. Good on you for keeping the priorities straight!

  26. Colene, I just looked at your picture and girl. I mean. DUDE. That is one freakin' awesome picture!

  27. You rock! You said 'egads' and 'I pine for you' in the same paragraph. Love it!

    Also, totally feel you on the behind on blogging thing. Job, offspring, hubby and preparing for this conference are keeping me pretty busy :)


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